Marek T. MICHALEWICZ: List of publications

I. Theses:

  • The structure of simple liquid metals, (Master of Science)

    La Trobe University, Melbourne, Australia, 1984, 60pp. manuscript collection, The Australian National Library, Canberra

  • Interaction of charges with solids, (Doctor of Philosophy)

    The Australian National University, Canberra, Australia, 1987, 122pp., manuscript collection, The Australian National Library, Canberra and University Microfilms Inc., Ann Arbor, Michigan 48106, USA

II. Books edited:

  1. Plants to ecosystems, Advances in Computational Life Sciences Vol. I., Marek T. Michalewicz, Editor, CSIRO Publishing, Melbourne, Feb 1997, Pages: 144, Illustrated: Colour, B/W Format: hardback, ISBN: 0 643 05942 3

    An extensive review of the book was published in: Cvrckova F. (1998). Words to plants. Folia Geobotanica and Phytotaxonomica 33(3):374-376, 1998

  2. Humans to proteins, Advances in Computational Life Sciences Vol. II., Marek T. Michalewicz, Editor, CSIRO Publishing, Melbourne, March 1998, Pages: 228, Illustrated: Colour, B/W Format: hardback, ISBN: 0 643 06033 2 (v.2)

III. Journal articles (refereed):

  1. M.T.Michalewicz and I.L.McLaughlin, "On the Gaskell Approximation for Structure Factors of Liquid Metals" Phys. Chem. Liq. 14 (1985) 211-218
  2. M.T.Michalewicz and I.L.McLaughlin, "On the density dependance of the mean density approximation" J. Phys. F: Met. Phys. 15 (1985) L181-L183
  3. J.Mahanty and M.T.Michalewicz, "Interaction of a charged particle with solid surface. A general formalism and spherical geometry" J. Phys. C: Solid State Phys. 19 (1986) 5005-5018
  4. M.T.Michalewicz and J.Mahanty, "Correction to image potential between metals" Phys. Letters A 116 (1986) 392-394
  5. J.Mahanty and M.T.Michalewicz, "Interaction potential of a charged particle in a plane-sphere geometry" Aust. J. Phys. 40 (1987)413-422
  6. J.W.Halley, M.T.Michalewicz and N.Tit, "Electronic Structure of Multiple Vacancies in Rutile TiO2 by The Equation of Motion Method" Phys. Rev. B 41 (1990) 10165
  7. J.W.Halley, M. Kozlowski, M.T.Michalewicz, W. Smyrl and N. Tit, "Photoelectrochemical Spectroscopy Studies of Anodic Oxides on Titanium: Theory and Experiment" Surf. Science 256 (1991) 397
  8. N. Tit, J.W.Halley and M.T.Michalewicz, "Electronic properties of disordered anodic TiO2 (001) surfaces: application of equation-of-motion method" Surf. and Interface Analysis 18 (1992) 87-92
  9. M. T. Michalewicz, H. Shore, N. Tit and J.W.Halley, "Equation of motion method for the electronic structure of disordered transition metal oxides" Comp. Phys. Comm. 71 222-234 (1992)
  10. M. T. Michalewicz, "Identification of Plasmons on Small Metallic Particles" Phys. Rev. B 45 13 664 (1992)
  11. N. Tit, J.W. Halley, M. T. Michalewicz and H. Shore, "Role of oxygen vacancies in anodic TiO2 thin films - a review" Applied Surface Science 65/66, 246 (1993)
  12. M. T. Michalewicz and M. P. Das, "Collective electronic excitations on C60 molecule" Solid State Comm. 84 1121 (1992)
  13. M. T. Michalewicz, "Massively parallel calculations of the electronic structure of non-periodic micro-crystallites of transition metal oxides" Comp. Phys. Comm. 79 13-23 (1994)
  14. M. T. Michalewicz and Mark Priebatsch, "Perfect scaling of the electronic structure problem on a SIMD architecture" Parallel Comp. 21 853-870 (1995)
  15. W. Adock, M. Brunger, C.I. Clark, I. E. McCarthy, E. Weigold, M.T. Michalewicz, D. Winkler and W. von Niessen, "Electron Momentum Spectroscopy of [1.1.1] propellane", Chem. Phys. Lett. 244 433-439 (1995)
  16. W. Adock, M. Brunger, C. Clark, I. E. McCarthy, M.T. Michalewicz, W. von Niessen, E. Weigold and D.A. Winkler, "A theoretical and (e,2e) experimental investigation into the complete valence electronic structure of [1.1.1]propellane", Journal of the American Chemical Soc. (JACS), 119 2896-2904 (1997)
  17. M. Vos, S. Canney, I.E. McCarthy, S. Utteridge, M. T. Michalewicz and E. Weigold "Electron Momentum Spectroscopy of Fullerene" Phys. Rev. B 56 1309 (1997)
  18. M.J. Brunger, D.A. Winkler, M.T. Michalewicz and E. Weigold "Momentum Distributions and Molecular Property Information for trans 1,3 Butadiene: An Electron Momentum Spectroscopy and Density Functional Theory Investigation." Journal of Chemical Phys. 108 1859-1873 (1998)
  19. W. Adock, M. Brunger, M.T. Michalewicz and D.A. Winkler "Application of DFT and EMS to the Study of Strained Organic Molecules" Aust. J. Phys. 51 707-728 (1998)
  20. M.T. Michalewicz and P. Nyberg "Equation-of-Motion O(N) electronic structure studies of very large systems (N ~ 10^7)" Aust. J. Phys. 52 919 (1999)
  21. D A Winkler, M T Michalewicz, F Wang and M J Brunger "An electron momentum spectroscopy and density functional theory investigation into the complete valence electronic structure of ethylene oxide" J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 32 3239-3253 (1999)
  22. M. Brunger, W. Adock, D.A. Winkler and M.T. Michalewicz "Electron momentum spectroscopy studies on atom and molecules using monochromated electrons" J. Phys. IV France 9 Pr6-115-Pr6-118 (1999)
  23. W. Adcock, M.J. Brunger, I.E. McCarthy, M.T. Michalewicz, W. von Niessen, F. Wang, E. Wiegold, and D.A. Winkler "A Density Functional Theory and Electron Momentum Spectroscopy Study into the Complete Valence Electronic Structure of Cubane" Journal of the American Chemical Soc. (JACS), 122 3892-3900 (2000)
  24. Feng Wang, Frank P. Larkins, Michael J. Brunger, Marek T. Michalewicz, Dave A. Winkler "Core molecular orbital contribution to N2O isomerization as studied using theoretical electron momentum spectroscopy" Spectrochemica Acta Part A 57 9-15 (2001)

IV. Book chapters and contributions (refereed):

  1. M.T.Michalewicz and J.Mahanty, "A Minute Metallic Sphere Close to Flat Metal Surface System: A Scanning Tunneling Microscope Problem", in Physics and Fabrication of Microstructures and Microdevices, C.Weisbuch and M.J. Kelly, Eds. Springer Proc. Phys. 13 (1986) 466 (abstract)
  2. M. T. Michalewicz, "Hydrodynamic model of collective electronic oscillation in spherical geometries" in: Topics in Condensed Matter Physics Nova Science Publishers, New York, M.P. Das, Ed., pp.143-167, 1995
  3. M. T. Michalewicz and M. P. Das, "Collective electronic excitations on C60" in: Computational Approaches to Novel Condensed Matter Systems, Lecture Notes, Plenum Press, New York, D. Neilson and M.P. Das, Eds., 1995, pp.163-173
  4. M.T. Michalewicz, D.A. Winkler, M.J. Brunger, I.E. McCarthy and W. von Niessen, "A UniChem and Electron Momentum Spectroscopy Investigation into the Valence Electronic Structure of trans 1,3 Butadiene", 3rd UNAM-Cray Supercomputing Conference Computational Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, G.Cisneros, J.A. Cogordan, M. Castro and Ch. Wang, Eds. World Scientific, 1997, pp.280-290
  5. M.T. Michalewicz and R.W. Brown, "Electronic Structure Computations of Very Large Non-Periodic Atomic Systems on PVP and MPP CRAY Architectures" 3rd UNAM-Cray Supercomputing Conference Computational Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, G. Cisneros, J.A. Cogordan, M. Castro and Ch. Wang, Eds. World Scientific, 1997, pp.301-313

V. Invited conference papers:

  1. M.T. Michalewicz, "Collective electronic excitations on C60" The Third Gordon Godfrey Workshop on Condensed Matter Physics: Computational Approaches for Novel Condensed Matter Systems, Sydney, Australia, 12-17 Jul. 1993
  2. M.T. Michalewicz, "Massively parallel calculations of the electronic structure of disordered micro-crystallites of transition metal oxides" High Performance Computing '94, La Jolla, California, USA, 11-15 Apr. 1994
  3. M.T. Michalewicz, "Steps, Microfacets and Islands on Surfaces of TiO2: Electronic Structure Studies" 18th International Seminar on Surface Physics, Polanica Zdroj, Poland, 10-14 June 1996
  4. M.T. Michalewicz, "Strategic Computing by Sharing Available Computer Resources" 1996 TODAI Symposium, University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan
  5. M.T. Michalewicz, "Strategic Applications of High Performance Computing for Science and Technology" 15th International CODATA Conference, 29 Sept. - 3 Oct. 1996, Tsukuba, Japan

VI. Conference proceedings (refereed):

  1. N. Tit, J.W. Halley, M.T. Michalewicz and H. Shore "Equation-of-Motion Calculations of Optical Conductivity in Disordered Systems with Application to TiO2-x (abstract) American Physical Society March Meeting, 1991, Cincinnati,OH, Bull.Am.Phys.Soc. 36 (1991) 976, 1020 (abstract)
  2. M. T. Michalewicz, "UniChem: The state-of-the art molecular chemistry supercomputing environment" Proceedings of the Fifth Australian Supercomputing Conference, Melbourne pp.225-240 (1992)
  3. M. T. Michalewicz and R.W. Brown, "Computation of the local electronic density of states for all surface atoms in different microfacet models of TiO2(100) 1 x 3", High Performance Computing 1995, A. Tentner, Ed., The Society for Computer Simulations, San Diego, 1995, p.101-106
  4. W. Adock, M. Brunger, E. Weigold, C. Clark, I. E. McCarthy, W. von Niessen, M.T. Michalewicz and D. Winkler, "A theoretical and experimental investigation into the valence electronic structure of [1.1.1] Propellane", Abstracts of Contributed Papers,1995 International Chemical Congress of Pacific Basin Societies, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA (1995), Abstract #165 PHYS.10
  5. M. T. Michalewicz, "Rational Nanoelectronic Device Design - A definition of another Grand Challenge problem", High Performance Computing-Asia '95 Electronic Proceedings, National Center For High-Performance Computing, Taiwan, Email:
  6. M.T. Michalewicz, M. Brunger, I. E. McCarthy and V.M. Norling, "Combining UniChem and Electron Momentum Spectroscopy to study valence electronic structure of molecules", Cray Users Group 1995 Fall Proceedings, p.37-41
  7. M.T. Michalewicz and R.W. Brown, "Studies of the electronic structure of very large non-periodic atomic systems on PVP and MPP CRAY architectures", CRAY USERS Group 1996 Spring Proceedings, p.88-93
  8. D.A. Winkler, M.T. Michalewicz, M. Brunger, I. E. McCarthy, W. von Niessen "A DFT and EMS study of the valence electronic structure of trans 1,3-butadiene" 4th World Congress of Theoretically Oriented Chemists - WATOC '96, Jerusalem, Israel, 7-12 July, 1996, p.224 (abstract)
  9. M.T. Michalewicz, D.A. Winkler, M.J. Brunger, I.E. M cCarthy and W. von Niessen "A UniChem and Electron Momentum Spectroscopy Investigation into the Valence Electronic Structure of trans 1,3 Butadiene" in: Electronic Density Functional Theory: Recent Progress and New Directions, Plenum Press, 1997, pp.382-383 J. F. Dobson, G. Vignale and M.P. Das, Eds. (in press) (abstract)

VII. Video:

M. T. Michalewicz and G. Lescinsky, producers "UniChem: Molecular Chemistry in a Supercomputing Environment" video, 10min 30s, November 1992

VIII. Conferences, schools, symposia:

original work (lectures and posters) presented at conferences in Australia (18), USA (5), Japan (2), Poland (2), Mexico (2), Italy (2), France (2), Spain (1), Malaysia (1), New Zealand (1), Israel (1), UK (1) and Taiwan (1)

Humor: Nanotechnology - nanocars

M.T. Michalewicz, Nano-cars: Enabling Technology for building Buckyball Pyramids, Annals of Improbable Research, Vol. IV, No. 3 March/April 1998

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